I visited over 500 ramen shop in Japan and all over the world!
1. I will provide information on unbiased Japanese ramen restaurants that are not fake or for advertising.
2. I regret not being able to eat delicious pizza due to lack of information when I went to Italy. (I’m sure that Italy is full of delicious pizzerias!) I don’t want visitors in Japan to have a same experience, so I’ll put ramen information on this blog.
Age 5~19 :
My family loved ramen and ate various kinds of ramen every weekend. I came to think my best ramen recipe by myself and sometimes tried to make some kind of them.
Age 20’s :
I’m strictly interested in traveling abroad. I visited a lot of countries like France, Deutschland, China, Indonesia, US etc and tried to have ramen in each country. However I shocked the taste of ramen because it was totally different from the one I loved. One thought came up to my mind that I wanna tell and broaden the attractiveness of Japanese traditional ramen.
Age 30’s
I decided to make a ramen blog(“RAMEN OTAKU”*) which made it easier to find the best ramen for each person all over the world and make peoples ramen life much happier.
* “OTAKU” is one of Japanese compliments which indicates the person who is crazy for something with a passion that is second to none. I wanna be “Ramen Otaku” over a lifetime.